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Ability to Schedule LifeLoop Admin Designs & Automatically Publish/Unpublish

This would be a major time-saver, sparing me the need to manually sort through all the designs to unpublish the ones that should no longer be there. It'd also be handy if templates could be set on a schedule and only go live from their publish sta...
Guest over 1 year ago in Designer 0

Ability to write notes/comments within Designer projects

I can see Enterprise Users getting great use out of this - To be able to leave a comment after reviewing a calendar, newsletter, etc., for their staff to make updates. It could come in handy with other use cases as well, but this is one that comes...
Guest over 1 year ago in Designer 0

Layering/Positioning Improvement in Designer

The option to "Position" - Send to back, send backward, send forward, send to front. The left layering bar confuses staff.
Guest over 1 year ago in Designer 0

Ability to group elements and images in Designer

By grouping images, you can save time by moving or resizing the entire group with ease, instead of adjusting each individual image separately. Additionally, grouping allows you to organize related images together, helping your audience focus on th...
Guest over 1 year ago in Designer 0 In product review

Letter and Line Spacing Adjustment in the Designer

Introducing the option to adjust letter and line spacing for text would be a fantastic enhancement, improving the aesthetic appeal of designs. This feature would eliminate the need to create separate text boxes when you want words stacked closely ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Designer 0

Ability to have an image/image placeholder fill the entire page in Designer

Using the grid to position and size an image to cover the entire page can be quite time-consuming. It would be great to have the option to simply drag and drop an image or image placeholder onto the project page to instantly fill it, especially fo...
Guest over 1 year ago in Designer 0

Slow narrating voice on all group games

What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? Family Feud goes too fast What is the impact? my residents and staff don't play it as often, high levels of frustration, concstan asking "What?" Describe your idea Allow the Game voice t...
Guest 8 months ago in iN2L by LifeLoop Content 0

Allow announcement message to show in text.

Communities would benefit from announcement messages to have the body of the message be sent in text form instead of in email. Lots of residents and families don't always check their emails and do see their texts messages. This causes a lot of con...
Guest over 1 year ago in Communication 0

Deeper integration on redundant features for iN2L & LifeLoop users

Regarding Lifeloop….when a family sends an email, pictures and even accepts the invitation, I will get notification on my dashboard that this has happened. With IN2L, the families can accept the invite, send pictures, send messages to their loved ...
Natallia Vittetoe over 1 year ago in User Experience 0

Transitioning from pages and tabs in LifeLoop

It would be beneficial if you made transitioning from one area of the site to another more clear. I got stuck on a page that had no easily visible exit to anywhere else on the site. "Do you test your site changes by having someone who is NOT invol...
Guest over 1 year ago in User Experience 1