We love putting pictures we take up on our displays. Sometimes we come across a picture that would look better is we could crop out some negative space we don't notice when taking the picture.
about 1 year ago
in Photos
In product review
The ability for staff members to be notified when a family member uploads a photo to LifeLoop.
What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? Currently, when families upload photos of their loved ones, staff members may not be immediately aware of the new content. This delay means staff might miss opportunities to share these ...
Add a quick way to search and download images to designer or gallery
Add a quick browser search or way to connect customers to internet images, like in Pixby from the LifeLoop website. They were asking for this browser add on to connect to either the designer section when you choose an image or within the photo gal...
PNG or JPG. Staff, family members, or the resident themselves may want to keep the photo that's been uploaded to a resident profile; however, there is no way to download the photo currently.
Ability to upload photo from Library directly to Social Media.
Customer stated they would love to have any photos that they take and upload into LifeLoop to automatically tag to a connections social media account such as Facebook or even automatically send via email.
Ability to tag a community connection or staff member in photos
Colvin Run asked for the ability to tag entertainers and staff members in photos. This would likely result in requiring a photo gallery be added for staff and maybe even connections, but I love the idea. Staff are highly involved in community life.
What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? Many of our communities use the profile photos for more than just on Lifeloop, and they are not accessible without the round borders, and without going into each resident profile individ...