Remove option to delete all following activities from an activity that was removed from recurring pattern.
What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? Once an recurring activity has any changes to it, it is pulled into a single entity activity and no longer changes with the recurring pattern. When selecting delete the option to delete ...
Setting up on menus to have specials for loved ones to order a week prior for our non verbal/severe residents & track and take attendance.
What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? I'm trying to solve a few problems within ordering for certain residents who can't do themselves and was wondering if there was an option to preset the specials the week prior and have f...
Currently, the color boxes for each feature category are only available through the web version view of LifeLoop. But the app version looks like the same view as the staff view. The convenience of LifeLoop is having access on one's device. it woul...
Residents would like to be able to edit "my profile"
What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? What is the impact? Describe your idea Ability for residents to be able to edit elements in "My Profile" be expanded to allow a user to provide additional information about himself /hers...
While customers can use the positioning numbers and show grid feature to align pictures, text, etc., they find it more helpful to have an aligning feature like PowerPoint has, where lines appear to create equal spacing between components.
The duplicate feature for text and images in designer stacks the images directly on top of each other. It would help new users if there was layering to the stack so they could see the duplicated image. It would reduce confusion and reduce them not...
In an attempt to make things as uniform as possible for the majority of customers, I think it would make sense to adjust the current default activity type colors to match those that will be shown in LifeLoop Insights. Long term I believe customers...
Add a 'Save' button on the top (already on the bottom) of the different pages under the resident and staff tabs. This will help to not have to always scroll down to the bottom of the page when I don't have to change anything that far down. Also, u...