There is a UX issue with meals that are "All Day". It's confusing to the residents. Staff users will mark an item as "All Day" so the menu is displayed all day long. Residents then think the meal is available all day (like pancakes available all d...
Add register icon to quickly register residents for a meal
Similar to the activity calendar, when you select a day and hover over the activity, the register icon appears. Would be nice to be able to register residents from this quick action instead of going to the meal details page to register.
You can invite connections via Calendar Builder but not in Dining currently. Would be a good addition to have since communities often invite connections to meals.
Addition of icons on the menu that can make it easy for residents to see specifications of a menu item. Such as, low salt, nut free, dairy free. Also icons that show food groups included in a meal such as, protein, veggie & starch.
Setting up on menus to have specials for loved ones to order a week prior for our non verbal/severe residents & track and take attendance.
What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? I'm trying to solve a few problems within ordering for certain residents who can't do themselves and was wondering if there was an option to preset the specials the week prior and have f...
Context: Convenience: Residents would like to seamlessly make reservations within LifeLoop, streamlining the process and enhancing overall user convenience.
What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? Currently, when a user adds an attachment to a meal, it cannot be removed. More attachments can be added, but the original cannot be removed. What is the impact? This means that stale or...