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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 24, 2024

Setting up on menus to have specials for loved ones to order a week prior for our non verbal/severe residents & track and take attendance.

What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve?

I'm trying to solve a few problems within ordering for certain residents who can't do themselves and was wondering if there was an option to preset the specials the week prior and have family members order for said resident? 

      Another issue seems to be tracking meals and what has each person ate, if they ate etc.? Was just wondering if this was something you may have available to maybe make these processes, we are using currently to merge into the Life loop app and make it a little easier between culinary and clinical departments. 

What is the impact?

The impact would be that connections can see in the portal if said resident has ate, be nice to know if it was a full plate/half, dessert, etc. Even more if it was the special or a menu item. Could create a question for loved ones to ask resident in which makes conversation and better connection. Also eases up on questions asked by families towards culinary & clinical about what was ate and if so how much. Also can have reports made that if a resident isn't eating as much and declining. This could integrate a lot more with a few different departments within the building having it at the ease of our computer instead of not knowing the answers.

Describe your idea

1) To have the special menu published each week prior, along with having the ala carte menu as options to have families choose for loved ones.

2) Then to have it reported what was ate, how much, timing etc. , if it was a Room tray!! Giving family members more piece of mind.

3) then each meal we can have a roster of what each resident is having, which residents are going to be present for dinner, out of the building etc.

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