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Customer Ideas Portal

Resident Profiles/Directory

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Ability to edit group names in staff, resident, and connections

What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? Add the ability to edit a group name without having to form a new group. This problem could occur if there is a name change or just a spelling error. What is the impact? It is a lot more...
Guest 9 months ago in Resident Profiles/Directory 0 In product review

Leisure/Activity Assessment

Incorporate a leisure assessment in the LifeLoop that allows for the communities to assess residents and run reports to capture similar interests, etc. that also links to PCC so other care staff can see. In addition, families/residents can access ...
Constance Brasher over 1 year ago in Administration / Resident Profiles/Directory 0 In product review

Requesting a religion toggle of yes or no along with a dropdown of their denomination.

Customer requested a marker to indicate if the Resident has a preferred religion, similar to the Veteran status, where they can also choose their faith or denomination and then report against it.
Guest over 1 year ago in Resident Profiles/Directory 0 In product review