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Customer Ideas Portal


Showing 7

Ability to add second page to daily agenda

What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? Cannot add all of my 10-14 activities to the daily calendar agenda on one page in any agenda layout format on a 8.5 by 11 paper. What is the impact? Residents cannot read small font and ...
Guest 9 months ago in Designer 1 In product review

Ability to lock specific editor items, elements, and components for Designer LifeLoop Branded Templates

A lot of organizations adhere strictly to brand standards and seek to prevent any unauthorized deviations or inconsistent modifications in their projects. This scenario pertains specifically to Designer Calendars, but it applies universally to all...
Guest over 1 year ago in Designer 0 In product review

View designer templates before creating a project

Be able to preview a LL Library template/branded template in Designer before creating a project. As of now, you have to select the template and create a project without seeing all of the pages within the project.
Guest over 1 year ago in Designer 0 In product review

Designer activity Style State Inheritance Issue

What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? Assure that there is not confusion on which activity style is applied What is the impact? Confusion about what style is currently set. Describe your idea Currently there is no style sele...
Guest 9 months ago in Designer 0 In product review

LifeLoop Library Feature only visible to staff users when they've selected to the community from the Global Selector with that feature enabled

When a staff user has access to multiple communities and only one of those communities has the LifeLoop Library feature toggles enabled, that staff user has access to the LifeLoop Library regardless of the community they have selected int the Glob...
Katie Dahle 12 months ago in Designer 0 In product review

Ability to edit showing/not showing individual activity's type and time

This community wants to use activities for themes and holidays. We have them set the themes as All Day or AD. This community thinks this will be confusing for the residents, thinking it is an event they could go to or do not know what AD stands fo...
Guest about 1 year ago in Designer 6 In product review

Ability to group elements and images in Designer

By grouping images, you can save time by moving or resizing the entire group with ease, instead of adjusting each individual image separately. Additionally, grouping allows you to organize related images together, helping your audience focus on th...
Guest over 1 year ago in Designer 0 In product review