Resident directory, when it is showing all levels of care for any residents to view provides a concern for staff regarding HIPPA violation.
Per ED at Sonrise Senior Living "IL residents could see everyone in AL and MC. Just by knowing someone is in memory care they now have a diagnosis and HIPAA is violated. "
Yes, but the toggles work enough so that the MC community could turn it off and those residents wouldn't be viewed. You still have the confusion of IL viewing AL residents and possibly not knowing who they are, but the main issue is resolved.
Understood @Guest . We should make sure this customer knows that residents cannot see the community name that other residents are in, so there should be no HIPAA concerns here. If we fix the feature toggle to do what Phil describes as intended, that would resolve this other issue I think.
That is where the issue of residents who live in AL are able to see who is in MC and IL can see who is in AL and that makes residents uncomfortable because sometimes they are in different buildings and do not know one another. And then feel like anyone is seeing their info.
Hopefully that helps?@curt frisch
@Philip Lee That makes sense, we should word that toggle better and fix it to do what it's supposed to do. I still don't see how this customer is seeing level of care denoted in the resident directory anywhere. I just see names, room numbers, phone numbers, pictures.
@Curt Frisch This is what the two separate Directory toggles are intended to protect against. The General Directory Access toggle is supposed to grant access to "Directory" tab, while the Enable Other Residents Directory is supposed to put residents of communities with that checked (that are within the same campus) to appear in the Directory. So, without the Other Resident's Directory toggle, the resident would still see a Directory, but it would only be Staff and that resident's connections. It looks like this got overlooked in some of the toggle work done recently, because it doesn't operate correctly now.
In this case, the MC community should not have the "Enable Other Resident's Directory" toggled on. Removing the toggle, removes the residents of that community from the Directory view for everyone.
@Guest We can see residents from the other care levels in the Directory, but you don't necessarily see their care level/community there. Can you share a screen shot or more details about where this information can be viewed?