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Customer Ideas Portal
Categories Transportation
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 2, 2023

Transportation Request System Configuration and Messaging Issue

Dev has configured the system to permit transportation requests for residents and their connections up to 3 hours in advance of the desired time. However, these requests are currently bound by the operational hours the communities have established. This standardized configuration is applied to all LifeLoop communities, and there is presently no option for customizing it to allow requests up a certain time in advance (example: 48 hours)

I believe that many communities may desire the flexibility to limit transportation request options for their residents and connections, allowing requests only up to a specific time frame.

Regarding the messaging aspect, I conducted a test myself and observed that I couldn't create a transportation request as a resident within the 3-hour configuration window. This is to be expected; however, there was no accompanying messaging to inform residents and their connections why they couldn't make a request during that time when it falls into the transportation hours. This lack of messaging may lead to confusion and frustration among residents and connections. I strongly believe that an update is necessary to address this issue and provide clarity to users.

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