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Categories User Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 18, 2023

Transitioning from pages and tabs in LifeLoop

It would be beneficial if you made transitioning from one area of the site to another more clear. I got stuck on a page that had no easily visible exit to anywhere else on the site.

"Do you test your site changes by having someone who is NOT involved with designing it, and who isn’t already familiar with it, try to do various tasks on it?"

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  • Guest
    Oct 18, 2023

    Do we have a "hallway test"?
    Not to my knowledge. It's one of the hurdles of our usability, in my opinion. No one who builds the product uses the product. Phil has been our "This is confusing" canary. CS and CSM roles are probably the next best equipped to share the user's perspective.

    Do you happen to have the page that causes the confusion? It would be odd to no have the side bar or some other navigation, but could be a thing.