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Categories User Experience
Created by Katie Dahle
Created on Jun 5, 2024

Update the invite email to prevent user confusion

What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve?

Invite emails are often missed or overlooked by new users because it isn't clear what the purpose of the email is. As you can see in the attachment, it's unclear that this email is prompting them to setup their user profile. The subject line says "Welcome to LifeLoop' which also doesn't make it clear what the intent of this email is.

What is the impact?

Users are reaching out saying they aren't receiving the Invite emails but we've confirmed in Mandrill that they're getting the emails AND opening them. But they just don't realize that they email they're opening is the Invite Email and by clicking "Get Started" it will allow them to set their password and log into LifeLoop for the first time.

Describe your idea

I think it would be beneficial to update the email so users clearly understand the purpose of the email and are able to easily and quickly setup their profile and log into LifeLoop.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jun 17, 2024

    Absolutely! And with Stonly reminding everyone they need to locate their welcome emails, I think a lot more people are going to have this same feedback.

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