We have it for resident birthdays but not staff and need to add a text box specifically for staff birthdays in the LL Library as communities want to celebrate staff birthdays in addition to resident birthday.
Create a slideshow option for images in LifeLoop and iN2L
Staff would like to show residents their pictures or leave their residents on a screen where they can show them pictures without clicking the right and left arrow. This will help mimic a photo frame option.
much like illustratus the tv display is created based off the calendar. Similar to the daily pulling the activities, illustratus pulls activities for the display and you pick the display images. you also select how long to display it for.
What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? staff has no idea where to go or how to log in What is the impact? less staff using lifeloop Describe your idea Create a form just like the resident log in card but one for staff so we c...
Staff would like a list of transportation instances to be available in the resident's profile instead of having a click into each day to view the transportation instances.
It would be useful for communities who don't use the built in dinning module. It would give the residents the availability to order food and check their account in the app.
This would facilitate better coordination and collaboration for planning. Additionally, having the placeholder activity a different color would be beneficial to differentiate from finalized activities.