What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? would like to add photos to activity as easy as it is to add in designer now. What is the impact? you have to save photo to desktop, then upload. Ability to copy and paste would save tim...
Some communities have rooms that are available for residents or family members to reserve. In order for the maintenance team to know how to properly prepare the furniture in the room for that event they are currently filling out a paper form to un...
What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? For communities that are connected to PCC… An option to remove the “expired invite” label next to a Connection's name or have an option to say "prefers not to join LifeLoop" if a Connect...
This community would like to be able to tag staff in calendar/activity notes so they can be notified if they have an action item or need to know about a change in status, behaviors, interactions, etc.
Multiple calendars that are set up so that the staff sign up residents for the same time slot on a recurring activity and right now this takes many steps and clicks to do that. They would like the ability to register residents for the same time sl...
Customers would like the ability to copy a calendar from a home office or primary location to other campuses/communities to update downstream calendars. Use case is: Home office creates dining calendars The account acquires a new community The hom...
There is a UX issue with meals that are "All Day". It's confusing to the residents. Staff users will mark an item as "All Day" so the menu is displayed all day long. Residents then think the meal is available all day (like pancakes available all d...
Introduce an automated system in LifeLoop to 'deactivate' staff users after a specified period of inactivity, with customizable settings and notifications.
What is the challenge or problem or you are trying to solve? Problem: It's a struggle to audit and manage staff effectively in LifeLoop due to users that remain in LifeLoop that should no longer be active. It is challenging to keep track of which ...